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Hours & Location

635 Wharf St SW,
Washington, DC 20024

Dress Code
Philippe Chow is your luxury brand to indulge and enjoy. We ask that you appear in fashionable attire to enhance the experience for all our guests. We kindly ask guests to refrain from wearing athletic-wear, hoods, beach attire, flip flops, and torn or excessively revealing clothing.

Philippe Chow management reserves the right to determine if a guest needs to adjust their attire before being seated.

Monday - Thursday:  5pm - 9:30pm 
5pm - 10:30pm
Saturday:  4pm - 10:30pm
Sunday:  4pm - 9:30pm

Happy Hour
Monday - Friday  5pm - 7pm


Contact: 202-601-8888 

Parking Promotion
Park at Garage #3 for just $10 for 3 hours now through February

Wharf Map

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